Thursday 8 September 2011

and here is the news...

Ok so there I am driving to work listening to jolly old radio 2.
That speaks a volume in itself right?

On comes the news and there is Moira I dont have anything against dear Moira but you would think she was the Virgin Mary the way Mr Chris Evans bigs her up...anyhow...
Moira has the news.

Gadaffi on the run (wasn't he in Lord Of The Rings?)

Economy in ruins...they should see my legs

Courgette that looks like Mother thats interesting..

Then we get the 'coulds' and the 'Mights'

"Experts have said that it Could be dangerous to drink a gallon of bleach"

"Surveys have found that most people think breathing might be good for them"

" Evidence published shows that standing in a bucket of water and stuffing your fingers in a 13 amp socket might kill you"

What tha hell is going we need these experts telling us the bleeding obvious...and whats more the politicians telling what MIGHT happen if we dont vote for them...and who are these Experts? I listened to this stuff as Moira did her best to sound serious on a slow news day and then Chris played a Spanish version of Mamma Mia...and all was right with the my here I go again...

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