Friday 16 September 2011

TV Guide

Well I dont know but I think I am going mad. Whats going on in TV land?

 Maybe its an age thing, but TV seems to have slipped into the realms of utter shite.

Now I cant say that I have a regular TV diet and Paul likes his 'continuing dramas' and everyone knows I only have the tv on for the weather and Countryfile.

We watched some ridiculous shite called Mount Pleasant that baffled me as to who it was appealing to apart from those that wanted to see how old Pauline Collins looks.."oooh remember her from Upstairs Downstairs...fuck she looks knackered!"

Then there is Eastenders...bloody hell...David Essex....who taught him to act...his style consists of a low growl and speaking slowly...shit he should have stuck to Silver Dream Racer and looking like a bloody Gypsy. Poor Julia Smith must be turning in her grave - bring back Michelle and Sharon thats what I say...nothing has been the same since Roly died and Angie walked out on Den.

We also have to watch Coronation Street.

Now that has more of a pedigree and had some amazing characters ...Elsie, Minne Caldwell, Ena Sharples and Len Fairclough with his little finger stuffed where is shouldn't have been..and I dont mean up his hooter. Martha Longhurst and Albert Tatlock...all in glorious black n white - Granada - From The North.

Whats all this stuff after the soap has finished too? "If you have been affected by the story in tonights episode..."   Fucking stupid is that?

Jeez ITS A SOAP!!!

I am more affected by the ruddy crap story and acting than anything else...
Where o where is Annie Sugden when you need her?

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